Cell Annotation Platform
Sign In / Join

Creating a Profile

  1. Click Sign In / Join at the top right of the screen.

  2. User accounts can be created with a traditional email/password pair or by logging in with Google or ORCID ID.

    1. Create a new user profile with email/password login.
Enter an email and click Continue.
Enter modal with an email populating the email field
Enter a password and click Sign Up
Enter modal with a password populating the password field
  1. Create a new user profile with Google login.
Click Continue with Google
Enter modal with the Continue with Google button highlighted
Select the Google account to sign up with.
Google login demonstration with an example user
  1. Enter your full name and click Complete Registration.
Enter full name modal populated with an example name
  1. Clicking on your username in the top right hand corner of the page allows you to view your profile page, where you can update your settings and personal information, create new workspaces, and view your existing workspaces/publications. To update your profile information, click Edit Profile.
Logged in view of a new user's profile page
  1. Full name, contact email and ORCID are required for publishing datasets on CAP. Enter this information and the optional location and lab fields and click Save Profile.
Edit profile page with fields completed