Terms that have the same, or nearly the same, meaning as the selected cell type.- germinal center B-cell, germinal center B-lymphocyte, GC B cell, germinal center B lymphocyte, GC B-lymphocyte, GC B-cell, GC B lymphocyte
Class of which the cell type is a subclass.- B cellCL:0000236
Ontology Assessment
Disagreements with any aspect of the Cell Ontology.- —
- This cluster expresses B cell markers CD79B and SPIB in relatively low abundance compared to many housekeeping and proliferative markers, which is why we place them in the Germinal Center, as they could be B cell progenitors. Without AICDA, we decided to call them generally GC but not DZ.
Inherited from celltype
- Set of Labels Description
- In this paper we used an automated iterative subclustering algorithm to find hundreds of cell state clusters, after which we merged unsupported clusters and annotated each resulting cluster with a better-known cell subtype. The high-res cell state clusters are annotated as subtype.gene1.gene2, so in some cases we didn't directly name some commonly named subtypes, such as pericytes. When we run DE on the resulting subtypes, we find many canonical and scRNA-suggested marker genes.
- Annotation Method
- both
- Algorithm Name
- Algorithm Version
- v1.0
- Algorithm URL
- https://github.com/jo-m-lab/ARBOL/