The F2: Universal population expressed marker genes of ”Universal” PI16+ fibroblasts, including PI16, CD34, and DPP4.(Buechler et al. 2021) ”Universal” fibroblasts have been identified across multiple different tissues. They are also known as ”adventitial stromal cells/fibroblasts”, ”interstitial stromal cells”, and ”steady-state like fibroblasts”. It has been proposed that these cells may represent a precursor fibroblast cell state, but this remains uncertain.(McCartney, Chung, and Buechler 2024; Zhu et al. 2024)
The location corresponds to reticular fibroblasts and "reticular fibroblast" markers mark this population (e.g. MFAP5). However, the universal gene signature is observed across tissue (see DOI links).
Fascial fibroblasts also express many F2: Universal markers, but additionally express unique marker genes such as ITGA10 and the known fascial marker CCN3 (NOV3)