NK/T Cell
- SynonymsTerms that have the same, or nearly the same, meaning as the selected cell type.
- unknown
- CategoryClass of which the cell type is a subclass.
- mononuclear cellCL:0000842
- Marker Gene EvidenceGene markers used by researcher to assign this cell annotation.
- Canonical Marker Genes
- CD247
- Rationale
- This NK/T cell sub-class is annotated by the marker CD247.
Inherited from author_cell_type
- Set of Labels Description
- This cell annotation set focuses on the trabecular meshwork (TM) and ciliary body (CB), key tissues regulating aqueous humor dynamics and intraocular pressure in the human eye. Using single-nucleus RNA-seq, we analyzed over 1 million cells from 70 healthy donors, identifying 9 major cell classes and 18 sub-classes. As part of the Human Cell Atlas initiative, this dataset integrates transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility data and is publicly accessible via CELLxGENE and the UCSC Cell Browser, offering a valuable resource for understanding ocular physiology and disease mechanisms.
- Annotation Method
- manual