The Human Neural Organoid Atlas
The HNOCA includes data from 36 neural organoid datasets and includes harmonised cell type annotations, as well as curated biological, and technical metadata. The datasets in the HNCOA were integrated using scPoli. The HNOCA can be used as a reference to map new datasets onto using scArches, allowing the transfer of the harmonized cell-type labels to any new dataset.
- organism
- Homo sapiens
- tissue
- telencephalon
- cerebral cortex
- brain
- midbrain tegmentum
- midbrain tectum
- arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus
- ventral part of telencephalon
- hindbrain
- choroid plexus
- cerebellum
- dorsal plus ventral thalamus
- assay
- 10x 3' v3
- 10x 3' v2
- Drop-seq
- 10x multiome
- BD Rhapsody Whole Transcriptome Analysis
- SPLiT-seq
- Quartz-seq
- Smart-seq2
- disease
- normal